Happy blog-aversary to twinmumtales!

This week marks three years since I started twinmumtales!

It initially started as a means for this mommy, who was on the brink of going crazy, to get her thoughts and feelings out there when she had no one else to talk to. Those first few weeks and months of being home alone with twin babies can be a very lonely journey, and there were many days when I had no one to talk to, and to share my thoughts and fears with, and I turned to writing. I’ve been a professional writer and editor for years, so I’ve always enjoyed writing, but it’s always been so formal, so it’s been so fun to be creative for a change.

This whole experience has been so therapeutic and I’ve loved sharing our experiences of being twin parents, from the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s been fun engaging with my audience, sharing stories that I hope many other parents can relate to, and hearing back from my readers.

Writing has certainly helped me process this new and amazing journey of parenting. It’s been a wonderfully creative outlet, and I can’t wait to share more stories with you all as our family embarks on some new adventures in the not-too-distant future.

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